There is an hour’s steady climb from the Woodhead Tunnel car park up Near Black Clough. Then, by taking a route due West, we should avoid several groughs. After approximately 750 metres, we meet Stable Clough and follow it down towards Dowstone Rocks and Deer Knowl, keeping a view of the Woodhead Pass road below on our right.
After ascending Wildboar Clough for approximately 2.5 kilometres to Bleaklow Head, lunch will be taken 800 metres beyond this point at Hern Stones where, on a clear day, we should see Glossop and areas of Manchester. Returning back to the cairn on Bleaklow Head via the Pennine Way, we walk North-East over moorland to the top of Near Black Clough and retrace our steps back to the car park.
This is a strenuous walk crossing trackless open moorland and some peat groughs. For this reason, we will have a mid-morning snack and drink before lunch at Hern Stones.
Please note: Due to rapidly changing conditions over Bleaklow, it is essential that walkers take spare clothing, including hat, gloves and waterproofs, as well as a warm drink and snacks.