To join us, please find the walk you would like to participate in and click here, to email the Secretary / Chairperson, of your choice. He / she will then send you more details about the walk and also inform the Walk Leader to expect you.
Please note: New walkers can join any easy or moderate walk for their first walk with us, but NOT a STRENUOUS WALK. Once they have walked with us all walks are open for them to join.
Your first walk is free to help you decide if you want to walk with Sheffield Walkers. If you do decide to join then there is a Registration Form and ICE (In Case of Emergency) Card to complete and a £12.00 yearly (January - December) subscription fee which needs to be paid. The yearly subscription is reduced pro rata depending on the month in which you join, if you join in March you would pay £10.00, if you joined in June it would be £7.00 etc...
Health and Safety
All our members have to agree to carry our Sheffield Walkers I.C.E. (In Case of Emergency) Card with them at all times and have to agree to our Privacy Policy.
- For everyone's safety, you must wear suitable weather-appropriate walking shoes/boots and clothing.
- Weather can be changeable. Always carry a waterproof (as well as hat, gloves and change of socks) if the situation dictates.
- Carry enough food and liquid for the duration of the walk.
If you have a medical condition that Walk Leaders should be aware of or any concerns about the suitability of a walk, please contact the Walk Leaders before the walk.
Please be aware that all members walk at their own risk.