There are a number of stiles on the walk, and we pass on footpaths through farmland where there is likely to be cattle or horses in fields.
We leave the car park and take a footpath across fields passing under the Trans-Pennine Trail at Black Moor and pass through Pond Farm eventually arriving at ‘Mucky Lane’ overlooking Stocksbridge and the Don Valley. From here we have a short steepish uphill to reach the height of Hunshelf Bank and have extensive views over the Don Valley. We follow footpaths along Hunshelf Bank, cross over Don Hill Height (road) and then have another gradual climb up Hunshelf Bank to Green Moor Delph. We pass through Green Moor and then drop down to the River Don in Huthwaite Valley, crossing the river on stepping stones, and continuing on paths across farmland until joining the Trans-Pennine trail for a short distance to return to our starting point.
This walk should take 3.5 hours including lunch.