View of Victoria Tower, Castle Hill, Huddersfield
Victoria Tower, Castle Hill, Huddersfield
Date: Sunday, 18th July 2021
Start time: 10:15
Grade: Moderate
Distance: 8.5 miles
Walk description

We start the walk by going up Marsh Platt Lane and climb to reach West Wood and High Royd Farm. This first section is a continual but gradual ascent of about 1 mile. We will take our time and after a short level section of pavement walking, we have another short gradual ascent after which Victoria Tower comes into view.

There follows a level section through fields before we join another road for a short time to reach Castle Hill. The ascent to Castle Hill is gradual as it circumnavigates the hill where the tower stands. We will take a drinks break at the tower and admire the 360 degree views of the surrounding area.

We descend from the tower and then ascend to reach Farnley Tyas. We will take lunch just before Farnley Tyas, then weather permitting and with everyone’s agreement we will stop again for a well earned drink at the Golden Cock. At this stage of the walk, we will have done all bar one of the hills.

Leaving Farnley Tyas we proceed across fields to reach Thurstonland. We then descend to join a path at the side of the railway that takes us into Brockholes. Here we have a short section via pavement through Brockholes to reach our last climb of the day. We will again take our time on this ascent. We continue by a path beside the railway to reach Honley and our cars.

This is a moderate walk of about 8 ½ miles. The route is through open fields and woodland with some pavement walking, the paths are generally good throughout. There are some sections of path that are overgrown in places, all these overgrown sections are very short and are easily passible with care. The fields from Farnley Tyas contain long grass which again is not a problem, as the wearing of shorts on the walk is optional! There are several stiles and gates on the walk.

Approximately 5.5 hours including lunch, potential drink at the pub in Farnley Tyas, and a short break at Castle Hill.

Meeting point and parking
Meeting point: HD9 6JY : Park and meet at the junction of Gynn Lane and Marsh Platt Lane, Honley, West Yorkshire
GPS Coordinates: 53.6043218, -1.7847633
Joining Us
If you wish to attend your first walk with Sheffield Walkers walking group please contact us a minimum 48 hours before the start of your chosen walk and we will add you to our list of walkers, notify the Walk Leader to expect you, and provide you with details of the meeting point and start time.
Please note: New walkers can join any easy or moderate walk for their first walk with us, but not a strenuous walk. Once they have walked with us all walks are open for them to join. For further information regarding membership please click here.