View of Pilsbury Castle
Pilsbury Castle, Pilsbury, Derbyshire
Date: Saturday, 19th June 2021
Start time: 11:00
Grade: Moderate
Distance: 6.5 miles
Walk description

From Hartington we leave on Stonewall Lane, taking a track to our right and walking round the new housing development (previously the cheese factory). We cross over the river then climb steadily to the top of the hillside passing High Close Farm and taking a path round the back of High Close Farm continue down the valley. After passing the farm house at Pilsbury it is just a short stroll to Pilsbury Castle where we will stop for lunch.

Although not much is left of the castle it still presents a powerful image of a formidable defence. Built in the 10th century by a French nobleman who had joined William’s invasion of England, strategically overlooking the river it would have controlled the ford as well as passage up and down the valley.

After lunch we have a steady climb back up the adjacent hillside passing to the rear of Pilsbury Farm and taking a path directly south passing Carder Low we have a steady walk back over moorlands to Hartington.

There are numerous stiles on this walk to negotiate.

Meeting point and parking
Meeting point: SK17 0AL : Car Park or on road, Hartington, Derbyshire
GPS Coordinates: 53.1410044, -1.8103409
Joining Us
If you wish to attend your first walk with Sheffield Walkers walking group please contact us a minimum 48 hours before the start of your chosen walk and we will add you to our list of walkers, notify the Walk Leader to expect you, and provide you with details of the meeting point and start time.
Please note: New walkers can join any easy or moderate walk for their first walk with us, but not a strenuous walk. Once they have walked with us all walks are open for them to join. For further information regarding membership please click here.